Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Guam Delegation Questions Answered

Dan Slater, 1st Vice-Chair of the Colorado Democratic Party, writes:
OK. I think I’ve cleared up the Guam delegation issues.

First, you have the super-delegate numbers correct. One for the Congressional delegate, and four for the DNC members (chair, vice chair, and two DNC National Committee persons). Then, normally, Guam would have had 3 more votes divided among 6 half-delegates, making a delegation total of 11 (Plus 1 alternate). However, the DNC adopted a rule earlier this year that allows states that go later in the delegate selection process to get bonus delegates as a reward for not front-loading the process (worked like a charm, as Feb. 5 shows).

Because Guam is scheduled to go on May 3, 2008 with its caucus / convention process, it was rewarded one extra delegate, which adds two half-votes. Accordingly, Guam’s delegation size is 13, plus 1 alternate. (By the way, Guam’s 4 pledged delegates represent 0.12% of the total number of delegates at the Convention – well, at least as of today; that percentage assumes Florida gets 0 delegates but still assumes that Michigan has its full delegation). In comparison, Colorado represents 1.63% of the pledged delegates.

More data for you: Guam has one member on each of the standing committees (Credentials, Rules, and Platform), and that one member gets a fourth of a vote on the committee. (Colorado gets two full votes on each committee.) As did Colorado, Guam had to adopt an outreach plan with delegation affirmative action goals. They have a goal of 6 delegates being Asian / Pacific Americans and 1 being “Youth”.

Hope all that helps! Let me know if you have further questions.

-- Dan

That last paragraph is very interesting. I wonder who the "youth" delegate might be?

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