Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I have to check into the Blogger settings so that I can get comments emailed to me. This would move a lot smoother if I did that.

I sent this out just now. If you are in Guam and are thinking, "I can't believe he wants that guy to get the spot," this would be a great chance to jump in and point me in unexpected directions. Let's face it, as much as I would like to complete my quest here I am a man of action and don't want to have to rest on my laurels so soon.


It is so good to hear from you.

As you have probably gathered from my blog, I am trying to find a good candidate to cover the DNCC next August in Denver that can bring a perspective on the news, events and politics that has traditionally been pushed away.

Your work more than any other that I have seen, reflects that possibility and I want to do what I can to help you be credentialed onto the floor of the Democratic National Convention and to help your independent voice be heard.

Jason Rosenberg is the Director of Internet Communications for the convention, and starting on Dec. 10th he will be gathering applications for the internet media interested in covering the convention and he wants bloggers from every delegation represented.

My clever (?) branding, schmoozing and networking has me high on Jason’s radar, and I know that he recognizes that the Convention has a stake in seeing that all grassroots viral efforts like this generate positive results. I do not work for the DNCC, and I don’t get to decide who is credentialed, but I know that his eyes are on me when it comes to finding the right blogger from Guam. (I copied him on this email, just in case he didn’t know that yet. You hear that Jason? Your eyes are on me.)

If you are interested in covering the convention next August, please let me know and I will keep you appraised of the timeline as it develops here in Denver, and will do everything I can to help you with the logistics of attending the event.

If, for whatever reason, Colorado is not in the cards for you, please share any information you can to help my site put a spotlight on the Guam Netroots, and maybe even find the right person for 2008.

Thanks! (and keep up the great work on all of your sites)

Aaron Silverstein

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